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Sweet Jane Deodorant

The Headroom Inc


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Jane is all grown up, living her best life in upstate New York. She now stewards a sustainable cherry orchard and loves hitting the town on Saturdays for an espresso at Luke's, and good vintage shopping. Since moving from Boston, she thought it was time she upgrade her scent profile. She need something “more her now”.  What was once a simple pear and vanilla scent, has been upgraded and transformed into warm, sweet, delicious scent featuring vanilla, tonka and cinnamon with a subtle finish of roses. Because the only constant in life is change and Jane is HERE for it.

This little stick of wonder was created for your underarms, but its natural formula means you can put it on all your places. Your feet, between your thighs, nape of neck, and your underboobs are all great places to prevent/remedy unsavoury smells & get your signature scent amplified.

Vanilla, Rose, Cinnamon & Tonka.